French Night with les deux Jeff’s

Uncorked Hermosa 302 Pier Ave, Hermosa Beach, CA

Jeff Morgenthal of Gran Fondo Wines will join Jeff Bonafede for a night of French wines and music. Evyn Charles will be performing French ditties on the patio. $25  

Bordeaux Tasting with Hostens-Picant!

Uncorked Hermosa 302 Pier Ave, Hermosa Beach, CA

Valentine Hostens- Picant of Hostens-Picant/Bordeaux will be in the house to showcase their Bordeaux Blanc and Bordeaux Rouge. We'll compare and contrast these two premium Bordeauxs with two other carefully selected wines to round out the flight. Flights are $25 ($20/wine club members). Find out more about Hostens-Picant here. 

A French Flight to Help Support the Arts

Uncorked Hermosa 302 Pier Ave, Hermosa Beach, CA

🍷🎭 Join us in supporting the arts with a French wine tasting event at Uncorked. LA-based theater ensemble, The Insomniacs, are staging Eugene Ionesco's classic play, "Rhinoceros," at the Stella Adler Theater in downtown Hollywood this August, and they need your help to make it a roaring success! With 20% of all sales dedicated to funding…