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Discover Wines of Eastern Europe

Recently, Fortune Magazine called Eastern Europe the home of some of the most dynamic winemakers in the world right now.
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and with thousands of years of winemaking experience, these winemakers have been embracing the world market,
experimenting with new and traditional winemaking techniques, and making wines from new world varietals as well as native grapes you may never have heard of,
but will soon.

The article in Fortune goes on to say: ” …producers have started to understand that rather than making yet another copy of what’s already around elsewhere,
it’s much more interesting and ultimately more profitable to look at the native grape varieties that are unique to that place and not to be found elsewhere…
you have much more adventurism.”

So stop by Friday and adventure through Eastern Europe via a flight of 5 wines from this exciting region. Adventure has never tasted so good!

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